Home Trucks Safety Operational Excellence: How the Right Data Supercharges Fleet Performance – Fleet Management

Safety Operational Excellence: How the Right Data Supercharges Fleet Performance – Fleet Management

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Safety Operational Excellence: How the Right Data Supercharges Fleet Performance - Fleet Management

 -  Image Courtesy of © 2024 Lytx, Inc. All rights reserved

Image Courtesy of © 2024 Lytx, Inc. All rights reserved

Every fleet manager knows a safer fleet is a more productive fleet, but implementing a successful safety program is easier said than done. The good news is, as technology advances, there are plenty of new tech-driven tools available that can help drive success, including vehicle tracking, video safety and video telematics platforms, and real-time driver notifications. Maximizing use of these new technologies is a great first step toward reaching best-in-class safety operational excellence and puts drivers, managers, employees, and even customers, in a better position to succeed.

But investing in new tools and technologies is only part of the equation. While telematics and video are widely used across many fleets, the key is having access to the right data at the right time. What’s more, knowing which technology to adopt to meet your unique needs is critical to unlocking your fleet’s greatest potential. For most, achieving safety operational excellence is a marathon — not a sprint, but the right data can get you there faster.

Data: The Secret Weapon to Achieving Operational Excellence

The harmonious integration of fleet safety and operations is key to achieving operational excellence, where the effectiveness of one can directly influence the other. When both safety and operations align, it creates a domino effect of positive results. Coaching is more effective, driver morale increases, risky behaviors decrease, vehicle health and maintenance improves, safety protocol adherence increases, claims costs drop, and so on.

“Safety and operations work hand in hand, but to optimize that powerful combination, data is your secret weapon to connect all the pieces, from coaching to dispatch to streamlining routes and more,” said Jeff Martin, vice president of Global Sales Strategy at Lytx. “Leveraging data effectively can elevate fleet operations to next level, empowering fleet leaders to strategize more effectively and make swift, well-informed decisions. This important advantage not only accelerates an organization’s progress, but also sets it apart from competitors in an increasingly congested marketplace.”

Operational Excellence — Realized

What does an optimized fleet operation look like? In a perfect world, every single aspect of your business is streamlined and in sync — and it’s all humming seamlessly with data to support every decision and process. Some examples of an optimized fleet include:

  • Policies and procedures are fully implemented and consistently updated based on data and team feedback.
  • Safety data and insights inform all decisions and guide program execution.
  • In-person coaching and driver self-coaching through technology consistently prove to bolster employee engagement and retention, in addition to enhancing the development of a strong safety culture with a focus on continuous improvement.
  • Video, vehicle tracking and other driver safety systems are reliable, up to date and aligned with industry best practices.
  • Total visibility into overall fleet safety allows proactive risk management through automated driver coaching, real-time in-cab notifications, and video  for improved fleet safety.
  • Easy access to advanced technologies that convert data into actionable insights to maximize safety and efficiency.

Getting to the top level of safety excellence doesn’t happen overnight, but it is doable. Achieving an optimized fleet safety program takes time and dedication to continued improvement. And no matter where you are on your journey, the tools and technology you leverage to glean actionable insights will make all the difference.

Not sure where you are in your journey to operational excellence? Gauge your safety program’s maturity level here.

Maximizing Meaningful Insights with Cutting-Edge Tools and Technology

Navigating the array of fleet safety tools and technologies can be daunting, but partnering with the right technology ally can be worth its weight in gold. A knowledgeable, reliable tech partner can work with you to develop a customized strategy to access the right data at the right time, allowing you to address the unique safety and operational needs of your fleet.

Lytx, the transportation industry’s trusted leader in video safety and video telematics, has developed a wide range of tools to help fleet managers unlock the most useful data to reach the next level of fleet performance.

In addition to its advanced dash cams and video on demand technology, fleets are diving into a new realm of insights with Lytx’s innovative technologies:

  • MV+AI Technology – Identifies and evaluates driving patterns to determine risks, alerting drivers to self-correct behaviors in real time.
  • GPS Data and Geospatial Awareness – Provides real-time vehicle locations and helps identify when a vehicle is stopped in an unsafe manner. This AI-powered technology also delivers key data related to weather, aggregating critical information from hundreds of thousands of devices across the country. It also provides fleet managers with real-time notifications and accurate road views to enable faster decision making.
  • Persistent Risk Identification – Reveals the percent of time drivers are engaged in risky behaviors to guide coaching conversations and to recognize good driving.
  • Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIRs) Advancements – Help drivers and fleet managers perform more thorough and proactive reporting, as well as further streamline their maintenance programs using walkaround photos, multiple inspection lists, customized email notifications, efficient maintenance scheduling and tablet viewing optimization.
  • Multilingual In-Cab Alerts – Enable more efficient communication between English, Spanish, and French speakers.

Operational Excellence In Reach

What’s the bottom line? Fleet Safety Operational Excellence is achievable when safety is at the core of operations, and you have the right technology and tools in place to glean the most useful insights for effective decisions and continued improvement.

“As technology continues to evolve and drive further advancement and efficiencies, the fleet industry is poised for exceptional growth and transformation,” Martin added. “Having the right tech partners in place to deliver cutting-edge tools, technologies, and data will be key to continuous improvement. Once that foundation is set, the horizon of opportunities becomes limitless.”

Lytx has been the trusted provider of fleet management telematics solutions to the trucking industry for over 25 years. Its video safety and video telematics solutions empower fleets to grow a culture of safety operational excellence within their organizations. Learn more about Lytx.

Lytx MV+AI technology is a driver aid only. Drivers should never wait for a warning before taking measures to avoid an accident. Lytx MV+AI distraction detection and alerting technology does not collect, store, or use any biometric identifiers or biometric information (e.g., scans of facial geometry) to detect distracted driving behaviors. For more information, visit https://www.lytx.com/driver-information.

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