Home Trucks 3G ELDs to be Non-Compliant by Year’s End – Safety & Compliance

3G ELDs to be Non-Compliant by Year’s End – Safety & Compliance

by betweenbump
3G ELDs to be Non-Compliant by Year's End - Safety & Compliance
Verizon will complete the shutdown of its 3G network on Dec. 31, 2022.  -  Photo: Canva via Scharfsinn86.

Verizon will complete the shutdown of its 3G network on Dec. 31, 2022.

Photo: Canva via Scharfsinn86.

Mobile carriers are shutting down their 3G networks, which may impact motor carriers if their electronic logging devices rely on a 3G. 

The final announced 3G sunset date is Dec. 31, 2022, when Verizon will complete the shutdown of its 3G network. AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile all shutdown their 3G earlier this year.

Any ELD that requires 3G cellular connectivity to perform its functionality will no longer be in compliance with the technical specifications in the ELD rule after the 3G network it relies on is sunset.

When in an area that does not support 3G, a 3G device will register a malfunction. The carrier has eight days to get the malfunction resolved, in this case by replacement, unless an extension is granted, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Administration. 

To avoid compliance issues, carriers should contact their ELD provider and ensure the ELD does not rely on 3G, and that it meets all minimum requirement. 

If an ELD does rely on 3G, ask the provider about their plan for upgrading or replacing the device. 


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